bookkeeping services near Guelph

Bookkeeping Services near Guelph

Are you the business operator in Guelph Ontario? Maybe your business started growing, and you began focusing on accelerating your accounting books. Perhaps you are starting up a new business, and you are in search of a knowledgeable bookkeeper in the vicinity of Guelph.

Salutations, Guelph Ontario! Here, at Bean Counters Erin Hills, we work with start-ups and small businesses to help organize all the business procedures necessary to grow and compete successfully in the long run.

Bookkeeping (QuickBooks, Sage)

QBO ProAdvisor near Guelph
QBO ProAdvisor near Guelph

We are a QBO Certified ProAdvisor

Although setting up accounting books is just the beginning, it is the most critical step in a business start. The well-managed bookkeeping process not only involves recording transactions but also requires recording them in a flexible accounting structure.

Bookkeeping Services near Guelph
Bookkeeping Services near Guelph

Setting up books

  • COA (Chart of Accounts)

  • Inventory setup

  • Budget setup

  • HST setup

Periodic bookkeeping

  • Bank, Credit Card, PayPal, and merchant account reconciliation

  • Accounting reporting

  • Payroll payment

  • Cash flow monitoring

This flexible structure of accounts is the foundation of analytics used for grouping, sorting, and ordering transactions in decision-making reports. In other words, a flexible account structure organizes financial transactions into dimensions that allow slicing and dicing the information into different data views.

Financial statements near Guelph
Financial statements near Guelph

These, in turn, help evaluate and make business decisions. That is why planning a chart of accounts in the beginning will play a crucial role for the business in the future. When business grows, this flexible account structure will be easy to restructure and adapt to a change.
So, we start with planning and setting up the chart of accounts.

  • COA (Chart of Accounts)

  • Inventory setup

  • Budget setup

  • HST setup

After configuring the chart of accounts, bookkeeping can be performed daily, weekly, monthly, or even once a year, depending on the business's complexity. We work with you to identify the complexity of your business and agree on which bookkeeping cycle works best for your business.

Bookkeeping services near Guelph, and surrounding areas from $30/hour.

Hunting for an experienced bookkeeper in the periphery of Guelph, Ontario? Not sure if you can afford bookkeeping costs?

Bean Counters Erin Hills is a certified bookkeeping firm just around your corner about 19 miles to dive on rural roads. Our bookkeeping service charges approximately 500 entries for $200 or 7 hours to process your books. Whether you need to set a chart of accounts from scratch or improve the existing structure, we build or re-build accounts into a structure to ultimately reproduce your business requirements.

Our bookkeeping work is performed under the supervision of a Charted Professional Accountant (CPA). Working side-by-side, we are performing our bookkeeping and accounting duties to ensure financial accuracy of your books.

Some of our bookkeeping services include:

Daily bookkeeping

  • Invoices (Accounts Receivable)

  • PO, Invoice, Shipping receipt/BOL (Accounts Payable)

  • Bill pay and check writing (Accounts Payable)

  • Employee data entry

A/R management

  • Customer setup and maintenance

  • Monitoring outstanding receivables

  • Collection and writing off bad debt

A/P management

  • Vendor setup and maintenance

  • Scheduling supplier payments

  • Taking early payment discounts

Catching up on past bookkeeping

When books are not managed throughout a year you are at risk of being late on tax filings. We can help. We will:

  • Clean up your books

  • Enter missing invoices, payments, etc. for the previous periods

  • Reconcile bank statements

  • Complete the year-end

  • File past-due government reports

Year-end preparation

  • HST filing

  • Closing books for tax preparation

Online Bookkeeping Services

Awesome characteristics of online bookkeeping, virtual bookkeeping, or cloud bookkeeping gave rise to a new generation of business owners and bookkeepers in just over a few years. Indeed, it is very convenient to log on to your books over the Internet and run any report you need 24/7.

No need to save receipts anymore, all transactions come from banking credit cards, and the online bookkeeping system automatically inserts records into books for account reconciliation. With the ton of different virtual communication tools, it is easy to connect and discuss any business situation.

Online, virtual or cloud bookkeeping is a fantastic environment for both a bookkeeper and a business owner. We love providing online bookkeeping services!

Bookkeeping Services Guelph N1H
Bookkeeping Services Guelph N1H

Bookkeeping services near Guelph from $30/hour.

Reach us by email or phone to book an appointment. If you would like to discuss your bookkeeping, accounting, or tax requirements over the Internet we work with Zoom, Skype, or Teams.

Follow us on Facebook for the latest changes to Canadian tax laws.