Personal Tax Return - other income and eligible expenses

Other Income and Expenses Tax Return Checklist
Personal Tax Return (Other Income or Expenses)
Some personal income and expenses can be applied to any tax situation. The fee to process these tax items depends on the quality of your information (how well items are sorted, labeled, and easy to differentiate for each person in the T1 income tax package). For example, a well-documented expense journal for a child will cost $15. Similarly, a well-prepared journal schedule will cost $10. The manual process of each separate receipt without a journal will cost $2.00.Canadian government posted a full list of medical expenses that are eligible for the tax deduction. Travel expenses can be claimed if you travel more than 40 km (one way) from your home to receive medical services. You must be sure that there are no similar medical services available near your home to claim these travel expenses. You can claim partially reimbursed by insurance medical expenses (prescriptions only).
Tax credits
General eligible expenses
Other sources of income
Sale or transfer of principal residence
Tips and gratuities
Spousal support received
Spousal support paid
Child care expenses
Adoption expenses
Medical Expenses (drugs, dental, glasses, therapy, private health plan premiums)
RRSP contribution slips
Charities, donations, and political contributions receipts
First Time Home Buyers
Ontario Trillium Benefits (tax-free, 5006-TG ON-BEN form)
Ontario Child Care Tax Credit