bookkeeping and accounting services near Erin

Accounting Services near Erin

Professional accounting services near Erin and surrounding areas

We work with start-ups and small businesses to help organize all the business procedures necessary to grow and compete successfully in the long run.

bookkeeping and accounting services near Erin
bookkeeping and accounting services near Erin

We are a CPA firm

Accounting is a way of evaluating business activities such as revenues and expenses and interpreting financial information to make appropriate business decisions. We include the provision of financial reports in our pricing list to support your bookkeeping for each period. These financial reports show the current position of your business. We help to understand financial statements and improve business processes when required. There is always something to improve.

In addition to providing financial statements our Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) reviews and verifies the accuracy of your bookkeeping transactions and explains numbers shown in financial statements. We also help to complete your annual tax return and assist with CRA auditing when necessary.

Some of our professional accounting services include:

accounting services near Erin
accounting services near Erin

Providing financial statements

  • Balance Sheet Statement

  • Profit & Loss Statement

  • Statement of Changes in Financial Position (Cash Flow Statement)

  • Statement of Changes in Equity

  • Budget vs. Actual Statement

Answering questions such as

  • Whether the business has enough cash to pay for operating expenses

  • Whether the business is making profit or loss

  • Whether the business is able to operate in the short and long term

  • Is there a room to improve cash flow

Personal and corporate tax filing near Erin

Bean Counters Erin Hills is an approved CRA agent to help individuals and small businesses prepare and file income tax and benefit return. We include T1 and T2 tax filing in our bookkeeping fees. If we do not support your accounting books you are welcome to prepare your tax return with us. We prepare and file personal and corporate taxes electronically using CRA approved EFILE web services.

Reach us by email or phone to book an appointment. If you would like to discuss your bookkeeping, accounting, or tax requirements over the Internet we work with Zoom, Skype, or Teams.

Follow us on Facebook for the latest changes to Canadian tax laws.