Low Income Tax and Benefit Return
Low income tax and benefit return
It is not about "Should I file taxes if my income is low". It is about "To make my income higher, I have to file my taxes every year". Canadian government developed several tax strategies to help low-income families to get money back. Definition of low-income in Ontario differs depending on different situations. For example, a family of six people earning $70,000 a year is possibly defined as low-income. However, a single person earning $30,000 a year may not be defined as low-income.
Did you lose your job in the current year? Do you have a child under the age of 6 years? Is your adjusted family income under $34,863 and you have children? We prepare and file tax returns for low-income families for low prices. Tax filing for low-income households is 50% off our regular price. We work hard for you to get all the eligible deductions and benefits you may qualify for. Please, check all the relevant documents to attach to your personal T1 tax return.

Tax Return Checklist for low income families
Income from registered slips
T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid
T4E Employment Insurance Benefits
Canada Workers Benefit
Canada Housing Benefit
Canada Dental Benefit
RC62 Universal Child Care benefit
RC66 Canada Child tax benefit
T5007 Social assistance benefit (it is not taxable but must be reported)
Low-Income Workers Tax Credit (adjusted net income below $50,000)
GST/HST credit
Do you have other sources of income and expenses?
To receive eligible benefits and credits, tax return must be filed each year, regardless how low income might be. Do not loose your benefits and credits.